What is A Call To Action?
Marketers will tell you time and time again – that’s a great story, but what is the call to action?! Well, let’s talk about it!
Call to Action:
“an instruction to the audience designed to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as “call now”, “find out more” or “visit a store today”. Other types of calls-to-action might provide consumers with strong reasons for purchasing immediately such an offer that is only available for a limited time” – Wikipedia
What Now?
You’ve identified your target market. You’ve gone digital. You’ve made an engaging and interactive display. But, now you need to ASK for the sale! A call to action is a reminder to your customers that you want them to take an action. It may be to sign up for your email campaigns so you can start a drip campaign. Maybe you want them to pick up an item that is available for a limited time.
The key to it all…JUST ASK!