Innovation Paves the Way

The Reagan Ranch Center is a library or resources located in the Ranch that Ronald Reagan called “home” – in Santa Barbara, California. The Ranch allowed visitors to learn about Reagan and his principles. Seven interactive touchscreens were located throughout the facility and considered an integral part of the experience. When the pandemic hit, touchscreens were deemed a ‘liability’. How do companies recover from this?
Interactive kiosks morphes into touchless screens to solve the issues created by the pandemic. A QR code is placed on the kiosk, scanned by a phone and became interactive through the use of a personal cell phone. Visitors no longer needed to touch the screen to experience the same content!
As more and more locations open up around the globe, innovation is going to continue to play a huge roll in the evolving workplace. Whether working from home, at the office or using a hybrid mix of the two – employees and employers will both be responsible for creating a safe workplace by morphing what the experience ‘looks like’.
How will your environment need to change to keep a safe space while maximizing efficiency?