How Stores Capture Millenials
The term “Millennials”, typically refers to people who were born between 1980 and 2000. This is the first generation to have been imersed in the digital age. With this group hitting the marketplace and decision-making age, technology plays a huge role in their decisions. Millenials are looking for an easy experience when shopping and for their experience with the store to be consistent between online, mobile and in-store.
Here’s what it means for your business:
Millenials are 77% more likely to be influenced by in-store kiosks when making brand decisions. So, break out the graphics and get to building great content. Make sure to include video and music into the kiosk and integrate social media feeds. This will increase millenials user-experience and get them more engaged with your brand. The more your brand engages with them, the more loyal they will become to you.