Art with a Cause

Art, in all forms, can hold a powerful message and provide insight to a world outside our own. This is one such story:
Crowds gathered at the center of Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms State Park in New York to support all #EyesonIran. An art installation of an Iranian teenager’s face was printed on the ground. From above, it’s hard to distinguish that the woman’s flowing hair isn’t actually a part of the art at all, but rather more than 300 demonstrators lined up, in waves, behind the face to mimic her long, flowing hair. While in the air, all one can see is the beautiful art display – on the ground, people were chanting “Woman, Life, Freedom”.
The artwork was created by French street artist JR, especially known for his larger-than-life photographic installations that took over Rio de Janeiro during the 2016 Olympics.
To read the full CNN article, visit: Crowd gathers in New York City to bring an art installation to life and demand ‘all eyes on Iran’
Take a moment. What message are you portraying with art in your home and office?