Exploring the world of visual communications

a customers journey: discover, explore, buy, use
by blrsignsystems | June 21, 2016 | blog
A Customer’s Journey

The customer’s Journey consists of 4 major stages: Discover, Explore, Buy and Use. Discover.  Your store’s signage can highlight a product, brand or promotion.  This will help your customers discover new products that they may have never heard of before.  This is perfect for building sales and growing brand loyalty. Explore.  You’ve capture their attention and… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | June 14, 2016 | blog
How Do You Get Around?

Once static placards were the only means of navigating a building or amusement park, but technology is now allowing us to step up the game!  Interactive wayfinders allow people to navigate various floors and directions.  It’s the way of the future.  Will you be left in the past or step your building up to the… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | June 6, 2016 | blog
ICX Summit 2016 Take-Aways

ICX Summit 2016 had many great points this year, but we found some that we think are extremely important.  Reflect Systems tweeted: The average person remembers 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, but they remember 80% of what they experience. #BMW #ICXSUMMIT This hit home on many levels.  Millenials are bigger than the… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | June 1, 2016 | blog
Digital Kiosks Improve Communication

Imagine walking into a 4-story building in search for a place to sit and study or for enough space for you and some friends to conduct a meeting.  The thought could be overwhelming!  One university used digital media signage as the solution for their students.  Kiosks through the 4-story library provide messages that range from… View Article

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by blrsignsystems | May 24, 2016 | blog
Prime Burger Increases Sales

Digital menu boards have been an increasingly popular addition to quick serve restaurants.  One UK-based restaurant, Prime Burger, found a 50% increase in sales through the use of dynamic digital images on their menu board.  What could great imagery do for your business?

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by blrsignsystems | May 17, 2016 | blog
How Technology Effects Restaurants

Once upon a time, customer’s either knew about a restaurant through word-of-mouth or stumbled upon it based on their proximity to that particular restaurant.  But technology has changed how customer’s decide on their restaurant of choice.  Sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor help people decide where to go and can even book a table before arriving… View Article

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